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Cee's Blog
July 22, 2014

Now Playing: Erotica
Just For You!
You picture my smile as you dab on perfume
Should we skip goin' out, get naked and head for your bedroom?

Will you hold off a few more hours to feel me reachin' in deep?
Can you really wait, even though you're already feelin' the heat?

You decide you'll be cordial and let me take you out
Its only mere hours until I make you shout

You are clothed for sunshine, wearing a flimsy dress
You slipped it on, skipping the panties, to give me free access

That you’re seconds away from being in my arms
Muscles tighten, fingers glisten, and your pussy warms

In just a few more minutes you’ll meet me outside
Your nipples peek out, looking forward to our first time

When you finally walk out, a sudden rain storm begins
You try to go back, but you fumble trying to get in

I run to your door, putting my jacket over our heads
Opening the door, "damn, you smell good" is all I said

I'm getting a good view, showing through your now sheer dress
It's clinging to your curves, damn gurl, got me outta breath

You notice me staring at you, I can't wait for us to touch
Neither can you wait any longer, you want me that much

Into my arms you fly and I roughly kiss those sexy, soft lips
As I wrap my arms around you, simultaneous grinding of hips

You savor the taste and heat as our tongues explore
I wonder aloud how you taste, 'cause I want more 

So I drop to my knees, raise your dress and let my tongue roam
We play for awhile. You say, "mmmm, I'm glad we had to stay home"

Squeezing so softly as my tongue makes you melt
Its never this good when you touch it yourself

I’m laughing because now you can't catch YOUR breath
”I'm shocked you did that”, you say, "Damn, you're a mess"

Now into the shower, plenty of room for two
Stripped bare our bodies, inhibitions too

Posted by classceechicago at 10:48 PM CDT
Updated: July 22, 2014 10:55 PM CDT
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